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Make a Contribution

Thank you for supporting our campaign.


An entity may contribute directly or indirectly no more than $6,000 to Friends of Ryan Spiegel during an election cycle.


2026 Cycle: 1/1/2023 through 12/31/2026

2030 Cycle: 1/1/2027 through 12/31/2030


Checks are preferred to ensure that 100% of your contribution goes toward the campaign. If you are contributing by check, please mail your contribution to:


Friends of Ryan Spiegel

203 Midsummer Drive

Gaithersburg, Md 20878


Make all checks payable to “Friends of Ryan Spiegel.”  Please also make sure that your address is included.


We are in the process of creating an online donation link. if you would like to contribute by credit card, please email

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